Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Watch your Cyclic Redundancy Checks!

I had a good meeting with Marina and Ruari today, we finessed the look and progression of certain elements within the programme, and I also received 4 CDs of source Director Projects from Marina depicting the actual content of the 'dream'.

However, when I arrived home I found that only disc 3 (CD-R from W H Smith) would actually transfer the data to my hard drive! With the remaining 3 "Mr. Data" discs I kept receiving a "cyclic redundancy check" error (I'll have to remember that for the denoument of the experience). This basically boils down to either not incredible quality CD-Rs, or writing with massive buffer underrun. Either way, the discs were only food for coasters until I did a bit of digging regarding CRCs.

In looking at CRCs more closely I found a freeware application that actually checks the file, then restores it if indeed possible. At the time of writing this entry I'm 22% (10 mins) through the first of 3 discs to be checked!

More information about CRCs and the CDCheck application can be found at