Thursday, January 26, 2006

Technical meeting with Tim and Duncan

We had a tutorial with Tim (Dollimore) and Duncan (Speakman) today, first expanding and elaborating on the initial Project Proposal (providing more in-depth description of the performance space and the interface intelf), and then going into detail regarding some of the more technical issues.

Duncan suggested some extended research from 's "Ghost" project, in addition to further manipulation of Weizenbaum's "ELIZA" programming.

Tim suggested solutions to technical problems such as trackthemcolors, an Xtra for Director that allows real time integration of live video into a Director project. Available from, I have a horrible feeling that it is version 1.2 that allows video and not version 1.0, which is the free demo. Argh!

Without this functionality it looks like a lot of the donkey work will have to be done on-line, with the performance machine networked to another that will capture and transfer the recorded video.

More updates to follow soon...