Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Project Proposal (in full)

Project Proposal and Technical Requirements - complete

We will be examining the symbiotic relationship between man and machine, the idea of lucid dreaming, conversational 'rules of interaction', (Andy Lippman/ Allcquere Rosanne Stone), Turing's test, (and the nine arguments against), arguments for and against artificial intelligence, Weizenbaum and the Eliza program, constructing interfaces, subverting the ideas of traditional interactive 'programs' within systems, non-linear story-lines, (speculative fiction), solipsism, chaos, and the idea of blurring borders between installation performance and real time interaction.

The piece will take the form of an interactive digital application that will enable the user to converse with the computer in a similar way to the Eliza program. This will also combine pre-designed programming with elements of real-time image and data capture (web-cam, user-inputted text) that will be inexorably linked to the content of the application.

An interactive non linear story, experienced through a series of photographic-image-montage-stuff.
There will be the opportunity to converse using Eliza-styled programming.
Some of the material will be generated exclusively through user input, for example the entering of user name and photographs which will influence the experience by appearing later on and affecting how the program is run. eventually the experience will appear to completely degrade into a confused and chaotic series of 'errors' based upon the user's previous actions, which are recorded within the program(in a time-line).

We will work in studio 2 from 9am-2pm.
The experience that the user will have will be an individual one, therefore only one participant will be conversing with the computer at any one time. They will enter the room on their own and be presented with a solitary computer at a desk, down-lit from above in an otherwise darkened room.

Develop the use of Director and/or third party plug-ins to control a web-cam, then using that material within the 'movie'.
Taking user-inputted text and using it within the narrative framework of the piece.
Successfully replicating the operating system to present the illusion of consciousness form the computer.
Using the 'time-line' to facilitate the journey of the user through the experience.
Research and develop non-linear story writing skills.
Continue to examine concepts and integrate them into the piece.
Develop the use of Adobe Audition to create an accompanying soundscape.
Develop the use of photoshop for the manipulation of captured image
Research the concept of dreams to develop the narrative.

1; Desktop computer with monitor
2; Extension cables
3; Gaffa tape
4; one table
5; one office chair
6; one or two lights to be rigged
7; lighting desk
8; lighting gels
9; 2x web-cam or video camera
10; promotional materials